If you make a visa application to stay or move to the UK, you need to be aware of changes made by United Kingdom Visas & Immigration (UKVI).

In addition to the IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic tests, which you may already know of, a new test called IELTS Life Skills will be introduced.

Changes in the UK government policy will be effective from 6 April 2015. If you have taken a test on or before 5 April 2015, the result can be submitted to UKVI with your application until 5 November 2015.

Student visas

The most common visa for international students entering the UK is the Tier 4 Student Visa. This is a points-based system.
As a Tier 4 (General) student, you must have 40 points to qualify.

You can score:

  • 30 points for having a valid confirmation of acceptance for studies, which you get for studying a course at an acceptable level with an approved education provider (also known as a ‘Tier 4 sponsor’), and for having acceptable English language skills; and
  • 10 points for having enough money (also known as maintenance or funds) to cover your course fees and living costs. Source: UKVI

Important note for Tier 4 Student Visa (without a pre-sessional)

UKVI has confirmed these changes do not affect you if you are entering directly at degree level or higher at an institution in the UK listed as Tier 4 Sponsors (previously known as Highly Trusted Sponsors). UK universities currently choose their own method of testing students’ English language ability and this will not change.

All British universities and colleges accept IELTS results. This means that you do not need to take the IELTS test under UKVI specified condition, unless required by your institution

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